GROUP 09 -Antonia, Ally, Claire- Music Video: ideas

Tuesday 30 September 2008


As the weeks have gone by we have thought of more ideas that we are going to incorporate in our music video. out initial ideas have stayed the same but a few have been altered and changed.

Firstly the performance side of things have stayed the same. we are shooting the band performance at night at Newnham park, where there is an outdoor pool area with floodlights. We believe this will look very effective because it will be pitch black and the location will be hidden. The floodlights (and other spotlights, that we will provide) will pick parts of the instruments and the band up, creating silhouettes. This will add professionalism to our video. Also we thought that that the outdoor pool area will help with our genre conventions as locations such as this are often seen in 'indie' music videos.

Secondly the narrative parts within our music video has changed. Our intial idea was having the couple together in a white room acting like lovers, something goes wrong and leads to an argument and the girl leaving. Our ideas have now developed to the girl by her self walking down a street in a town center. This will also be shot at night. In some narrative parts there will be close ups of the girl, for example her lips and eyes. These parts will be shot in the dark room at school with spotlights. In some narrative parts the girl will be crying.

Thirdly for some of the viewing of the music video is going to be split screen. Just like in our test edit. The screens will change between narrative and performance and some of both. The screen style will also change to add diversity. Around each screen there will be a white border. This idea first came about whilst watching the plain white T's music video 'hey there deliah' (shown below).

Finally there will be a contrast between the narrative and the performance because the performance will be in black and white and the narrative will be in colour. we beleive that this is a convention used in many videos with the same genre as ours. the performance parts will also have close ups on the instrument and on the singer and other band members these parts may be put into slow motion when we edit because we belive that this will match the pace of our song.



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