GROUP 09 -Antonia, Ally, Claire- Music Video: Hitoiro - analysis

Monday 6 October 2008

Hitoiro - analysis


This is the music video for Hitoiro, by Japanese artist Mika Nakashima. It was used to accompany the film Nana 2 which also starred Mika Nakashima, and as such it uses a variety of clips from the film. However, there are a number of elements from this video which link it to the ideas we have for our own video. The most prominant of these elements is the varied use of split screen, especially in the way it's been used, as in the different sizes and spaces of each screen. There are a number of places in the video which have had the majority of the screen filled by one shot and then a tiny bar at the bottom with a close-up. An example of this would be at 1.53-1.55.

Another element of the use of split screen in this video which is, again, similar to our ideas would be the use of close-up shots, notice at 2.22-2.25 at the close up of her eye. We really like the idea of using simple shots, like the close-up of eyes or mouths next to a long shot and the character walking and we plan to incorporate it into our video.

This video also incorporates the usage of both coloured and black and white clips which was a big part of our split screen idea. The difference between the use of it in this video and the use in our video would be the fact that we want to use it for the different screens of the split screen, whereas this video uses it for an entirely different, full screen clip.

This video's usage of simple shots, split screen and the variations of coloured and black and white clips have given us some inspiration for our own video.

Song title: 一色 (Hitoiro; One Colour)

Artist: 中島美嘉 (Mika Nakashima)



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